Anybody else?

We experienced a missed miscarriage a year ago and a chemical pregnancy (at least they diagnosed it as chemical but who knows if I was even pregnant.. period was late and I had two positive pregnancy tests but not I’m thinking they might have been indent lines since I’ve learned about those sense) earlier this year. It has been rough. I’ve had random times where I have felt extremely sad again. TTC after a miscarriage is definitely a major emotional roller coaster. I am sorry to anybody else who has also experienced this or may be going through loss again.

I am a week late for period today. It also doesn’t hurt to mention that I had sex later than glows predicted ovulation date and fertile window so it’s clearly possible that I ovulated later than the “typical ovulation time” haha.

I took my first test last Friday (negative). I took my second test Sunday (almost non visible faint line). I then took a third test on Monday morning which had a visible faint line (my sisters test was exactly the same when she was pregnant so I decided to just get bloodwork to try to confirm since period hadn’t shown). I had bloodwork done on Monday morning, the results came back with low HCG levels. They called me on Tuesday to tell me that they want me to get my blood drawn again next week to see what’s going on since my levels are so low.

When I googled the numbers it is possible to have numbers that low this early in pregnancy but I obviously still find it concerning.

Has anybody else experienced this or anything like it? What happened ?