Anatomy Scan Fun


20w 3D and had our level 2 anatomy scan done! Since ya know advanced maternal age blah…turned 35 last month lol

We’ve got one cool little dude! Sweetest profile, and gave that tech fits 😆 I wasn’t worried about anything he showed off at the gender scan at 15 weeks so we knew he had all his formations then.

He kept his chin tucked down into his chest making it tricky to get and confirm chin structure and bottom lip lolol She spent probably a good 10mins jostling him around pushing on his little elbow to try to see his hand. Since he was lounging back with it tucked behind his head 😅 2yo brother does this all the time so I can see them now 2 years from now piled up together in the middle of our king sized bed lounging arms behind their heads plotting on all of us lolol

She had to come back to his heart like 3 times to try to get different things since she would almost have it and he’d shift and curl. We were dying but by the end I think she was frustrated lolol 🤷🏻‍♀️