9 weeks postpartum and bleeding...3rd time


Seriously, I have delivered 4 other babies all vaginally before this one. They were born in 2005 2006 2007 and 2012 until May 2021 when I just had my youngest. This baby I should mention was a complete surprise considering no fallopian tubes and was conceived naturally. Just some history there. Anyway, of course after delivery I bled for 3 days or maybe 4 like I expected. The bleeding stopped then started again when my baby was about 12 days old and lasted 5 days at the beginning of June. July 5th I began bleeding very heavy going through 1 to 2 overnight pads per hour. That lasted for 9 days. Then July 27th in the evening I started bleeding again. So here's the deal....I exclusively breastfed my youngest 2 as I am doing with this baby. Never bled after initial postpartum from the actual birth until this baby. Why is this happening? My ob is not being helpful or informative at all. At this point I am a little worried that I could possibly get pregnant again far too soon if I do not use protection with my husband but we do not believe in certain forms of contraceptives and he is not willing to use protection since we are married he thinks its ridiculous. Anyone got some answers for this overwhelmed mama!!!!!???