
Trying for baby #2. I’m 9 days late and I’ve been testing negative since 4 days before the missed period. So almost 2 weeks now. I’ve never missed a period since being pregnant with my first baby, why am I so late but not pregnant!??

My cycle is in between 28-32 days but I’m at day 41.. last period was June 19th.

Is it possible that not enough hcg has developed?? I’ve read how most women have enough by the 4 or 5 days before a missed period yet I’m here at 9 days past it…and not even the faintest of a line. (I’ve tried 3 different brands.)

Or am I legit not pregnant and something else is wrong with me?

(Also want to add this is the first month that we’ve attempted to conceive so we had unprotected sex in my estimated fertile window.)