My natural delivery story


I began to have contractions around 1:30pm yesterday and decided to try and nap through them. They pretty much felt like period cramps yet with each contractions I would wake up. I lost my bloody show the day before yesterday but continued to lose it yesterday up until I delivered. My contractions felt no more painful than intense period cramps, yet they continued all the way up until 8pm so we decided to go in. Once I got to the hospital I was 7 cm with a bulging sac. Once I got in my room about 30 minutes later I was 9.5cm dilated, my doctor said she wanted me to breath through a few more contractions and she felt like it would be time to push after a few more but as soon as she left the room my water broke. I told the nurse with me that I felt the ring of fire and that I had to push. She took a look and quickly called for the doctor but by the time she got in I pushed for a 2nd time and she was sliding out.