Do you wake your SO up to help you with the kids if they stayed up late watching tv and playing video games?

So my husband works hard. He’s an HVAC tech so his job is pretty demanding. But even though he has three kids and works a demanding job he stays up late (till like 1-2am) EVERY NIGHT. I’m so tired of being the only one with the kids every single morning. I get he needs his rest because of his job. But he is ridiculously tired all of the time because he’s choosing to not go to bed at a decent time. On the weekends I wake him up around 9:30/10 and he gets pissed. He just wants to sleep his weekends away. It’s not fair to the kids! I usually plan a fun family outing like every other weekend and it’s always a fight with him because “he needs his rest”. So I’m supposed to take care of the kids all week while he’s at work & also take three kids out alone every weekend?? Am I being ridiculous?? I feel bad that he’s so tired all the time, but wtf he needs to start going to bed at a decent time. I’m tired of fighting with him cause he wants to sleep his weekends away.

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