What seems like a bad news…


Is actually a blessing in disguise!

I just wanna share my story. Hope it does not bore you ☺️🙏🏼

My pregnancy was one that was carefully planned, considering what’s going on in the world with covid 19 and all. December 2020, we start to see vaccinations going on arnd the world and seems like the world is recovering from the pandemic.

I started taking pregnancy vits to prepare the womb and my body for the long journey of pregnancy. We started checking ovulations arnd Jan Feb, and we got a positive for pregnancy in mid April. We are so excited and grateful for God’s blessing for our family (as I am not young anymore, and for many, conceiving is not easy).

During that same month, the Delta variant from India begin to penetrate the borders of where I live. Fear struck hard! We quickly decide to go back home to Australia.

Having to apply visitor visa for my husband, the process took from May to June. Thankfully Aus gov grant my husband the exemption, so we can fly together. Now looking for ticket was not easy as more people are leaving this country to seek safety. Prices skyrocket and low availability.

I was even more eager to fly home because the obs found out I got placenta previa… and placenta could tear and bleed anytime. I secured 3 tickets for mid-September. That gave us peace… our plans are falling into place…

but our plan is not God’s plan… the covid outbreak worsen and many bordering countries are banning people to enter if they have been where I am in the past 14 days… even for a mere transit… my ticket requires a transit of 3 hrs in a neigboring country that just announced the ban! All july and august tickets have just been refunded! 😱 and september is just next in line…

I begin to stress out, as I say goodbye to our confirmed tickets. Surely this stress has impacted on our baby girl’s growth in my tummy. Her HC is in the 5th percentile, and the rest is under 40th percentile except for her FL, which is above 50th. Obs said its still within range, but at the lower quartals… (my first pregnancy was so different, my son was in the 90th percentile all the way from the womb til his 2nd birthday!)

Having placenta previa… a smaller size baby… and no ticket to go home… what a disaster!!!! I contacted my GP & OBS in Aus and inform them on potential delay, while we struggle to find tickets for 3 of us to fly. Not even one ticket was available at any class. The earliest flight available is Business class (super expensive) on mid november. Impossible! I cannot fly anymore by then, with the 2 weeks quarantine. Its just impossible… my EDD is on 12 Dec…

I said to God in my daily prayers, I have done my very best, God; with all my heart and effort into dealing with this issue; I can only do so much, I cannot change the facts and regulations, nor the condition that we are in. I surrender to You, and let Your will be done. we will brace for the worst, and prepare to find a save hospital for C section if needed be. Protect us from covid and all other diseases, please keep us safe…

In my heart, I was so devastated because everyone of my family is back home in Aus except for me & my little fam. My parents and siblings are waiting for us to arrive… but here we are preparing on giving birth in this young 3rd world country. I am not confident with the healthcare system and worse as they are now struggling with 40k+ new covid cases per day. Its such a combo, alot of ignorance in the lower educated people, and too much greed & corruption in the upper class. It is not a surprise that neigboring countries are closing borders for us, and perceive this place as a timebomb for covid, and its exploding now.

I put effort to check every morning and night for potential seats in direct flights… and begging to travel agencies to deliver my plea to the flight company for seats and waiting lists, even if its just 1 seat, I’ll take it… leaving my husband and my son behind (on this matter, I cried for days, just the thought of not knowing what will happen to them here, without me around, keeping the super strict home protocols for health n safety. leaving 2 boys stuck in a big country breaks my heart).

In my plea, I must include all proves of medical emergencies and documentations, which I have compiled, to explain my pregnancy condition, that I must fly early asap to avoid a high risk situation, giving enough time for quaratine. The later it is, the higher the risk for bleeding and premature birth.

Week 6 confirmed pregnancy

Week 10 placenta previa detected.

Week 14 placenta full previa confirmed.

Week 16 news abt currnt flights tix (w transit) could be annuled.

Week 19 placenta full previa did not budge even a bit.

Few days after the obs check up, God did his miracle! I receive news that the direct ticket has been made available for 1 passenger. Praise God! I must prepare my breaking heart to leave my son and husband behind.

Then 2 days after, I got news 1 more seat free up! My son is coming along with me; but my husband objected, because he didn’t want me to be tired in caring for my son while being in high risk pregnancy. So if there were only 2 avail, it would be just me flying off…

Suddenly, a message from the flight agency! God gave the third miracle! I receive the best news ever! There are 3 seats available for 3 of us to fly together as a family!

Although having placenta previa is something anyone would want, but it has become a blessing for us to secure a flight home. I believe this is part of His plan. What we think is best, is not necessarily the best for us. This previa has opened our way to go home 🙏🏼 I cannot be more grateful!

Thank you for reading til the end. I know it might be a boring story, but this really mean so much to me and my family. I hope my story can give hope to everyone who is waiting upon a miracle.

What seems like a disaster, could be a blessing in disguise! Hold on tight to your faith, and do our part the best we can. Brace for the worst, but hope for the best 🙏🏼🙏🏼☺️☺️

Happy weekend to all of you 😘