
So I’m 6 months pregnant,

We decided to keep the news between us and close family until we got past the 20 week point

(We’ve had a bit of a rollercoaster pregnancy all fine now & previous pregnancy was the same but was told baby wasn’t viable .. but he was - long story)

We’ve said we won’t be announcing this time on social media ,

we felt if you were close enough to know you’d know and hear from us personally

We’ve got a family do where there’ll be pictures taken, he said he was gonna plan to meet and tell his friends before they find out through pictures

He met his friends last night but said he didnt tell them .. I’m 25 weeks ?!

I feel he’s now hiding it and pretending it’s not happening instead of enjoying it with close family and friends

It being the pregnancy journeyđź’—

(With our first he was literally telling everyone and anyone he met )

I’ve asked him how he’s feeling and he said “yeah, I’m excited”

This baby was conceived on the mini pill so was a shock but a lovely shock

I can’t tell if it’s the hormones or gut feeling that maybe he’s not 100% about the situation and me.

I literally couldn’t tell you the last time we had sex or even be affectionate.. I’ve also brought that one up

And I get “ I’m tired” & “ I’m sorry sex isn’t as important to me” but we’re not talking a week dry spell maybe months