How long do you wait after chemical pregnancy to ttc again?


Hi everyone! I am 23 yo and have PCOS this is my second chemical pregnancy this year. I guess I just do not know what to expect with further pregnancies with known PCOS should I schedule an appt with my ob/gyn before continuing ttc or is there really nothing I can do other than keep trying? Does anyone have any advice in how to tell if it's a chemical pregnancy? This last one I was confident was implanted fully as I felt cramps during implantation, the pregnancy tests lines were bold with my last test at 4 weeks, and I made it to the 5 week marker without bleeding or cramping. The er explained that the embryo was not fully attached which prevented growth of the embryo and also the cause the early miscarriage. Conceiving is where I thought the challenge would be so now that I am able to get pregnant I just want to figure out what I can do to prevent chemical pregnancies in the future.

Any advice is very much appreciated..

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