I don’t want Anal but he does 🙈


Been with my boyfriend for just over 2 years & we went for a walk tonight talked about our holiday we’re excited about how happy we are together at the moment & then he said “so we’ve come to 2years but why is it you still won’t give me anal?” Guys I’ve told him from day one I didn’t want to try it because it makes me feel sick (no offence to anyone reading this that does enjoy it, I just don’t) so in the beginning (6months in probs) I said we’d try it (basically to see how it would feel to me & to prove to him I don’t like it) outcome was “I really didn’t like it & I couldn’t sit down for 3days” it’s how I felt & what I told him. Almost a few months later we were having really great sex & I was really into it, so horny so wet for him & then BAM 💥 he fucked my ass in one swift motion & I cried out that it fucking hurt & he said “you’re fine just relax” but that was it I was so turned off I ran to the bathroom & ran the bath to soothe my muscles & aching butthole. I told him later on that it hurt too much & I never want that to happen again because I seriously don’t enjoy it & it honestly makes me feel sick so he said he’ll just play with himself & shove a dildo up his own because that’s what he likes (he’s bisexual).

Now on this walk all he talked about was him fucking my ass & we’d lube it up & id relax & enjoy it but how many times does it take to get through to him that I DO NOT WANT TO DO ANAL !!!!!

I said if it’s a dealbreaker then I’m out because I’ve but my tongue soooooo many times before & ive put up with a lot but I don’t know what else I can do. I’ve even told him that if it’s what he needs & he can’t get it from me, he can go fuck another girl/mans ass.

Btw he’s 44 & I’m 28

Any & all advice is welcome 🙏