

I’m so confused on if I’m pregnant or not. Should I test again or not. My high fertility date was July 12, my partner and I were sexually active on the 11th. According to research I’ve done sperm can live in the body for up to 6 days so I thought this is good! Although we didn’t have sex on the 12th there was still a possibility the sperm could reach my egg in time. Around the 28th of July I started to feel cramps which I never get and that was odd. Right before my period my back always hurts and knowing that I got my self worked up to believe I could be pregnant. July 29 to aug first I had what I consider my period ( which is on time ) however this period was lighter in length and less heavy than normal. I have tested one or two days before July 28th and it was negative… could I have tested too soon?

Currently My mood has been all over the place. One minute I’m anger at the world. The next time crying. It’s a real rollercoaster. I’m telling myself I’m emotional because I got my period instead of becoming pregnant.