feeling so defeatedddddds


i had blood work done for a hormone check on sat bc i’ve been having SUPER IRREGULAR PERIODS since january of this year… when my periods were clockwork since i was 11yrs old… well i started to put on weight last year in around june, but i just chucked it up to quarantine weight… me and my s/o started ttc in august 2020 and i also started trying to lose weight as i had gained 10 lbs. now a year later i have gained well over 40lbs… i have tried phentermine, dieting, exercising, and still no weight loss. fast forward to now i have this result about my prolactin… i went on google (of course), and i saw it can cause infertility, weight gain, anxiety/depression & more… also my recent weird HIGH/PEAK surges of lh my whole cycle pushed me to get my blood drawn… my question(s) would be, has anyone else had a result this HIGH, and what did your doctor recommend? what helped lower your levels? what helped you to lose weight with this? and how did you keep the weight off? also, if you conceived while treating your prolactin… how long did it take you to conceive/treat it?

i apologize for such a long post and so many questions. i can’t ask my doctor as she’s on vacation and it was already a pain in the ass to get the doctor filling in for her to request this lab for me… (i do see my gyn August 23rd, but i can’t wait that long without talking to atleast someone.) tia

-concerned, saddened, hurt (hopeful future mama):(((((

**edit: my thyroid levels are normal***