Surgery help!!!!


Hi everyone.

I’m sorry if I seem to be rambling but I just more or less want some advice. I stopped taking my birth control & for about 6 months did not have my cycle. After the three month mark and still having negative pregnancy tests… I went into my OBGYN and she told me I wasn’t pregnant and told me to be patient and I’ll begin to ovulate. Until then I was having monthly visits until my cycle came back and I start to ovulate. After 8 MONTHS of no cycle or ovulation I changed doctors and this week will be having a D&C done because the lining that I would normally shed is too thick to be shed on its own and is 3 times the normal thickness.

My question is… has anyone had something similar happen? If so…how soon did you get pregnant and How was your recovery?

I’m feeling a little nervous so looking for some advice/comfort 😔