Trying for #3


My fiance and I have been together for over 3 and half years. I have two children ages 3 and 5 from a previous marriage. He has been apart of my 3 year Olds life since she was 3 weeks old so she considers him more her dad then her own father. I an wanting another baby like really bad and he says if it happens it happens and that he wouldn't be mad about it. He is going to be 32 in February and I will be 25 in May. Now I am just curious as if with him getting older should we possibly see if he is able to have children just to make sure we or I don't get my hopes up on having another one and it not happen? My 5 year old will be 6 in November and my 3 year old will be 4 in October. I'm on be to help regulate my periods due to them being so out of wak it wasn't funny. I would bleed for weeks at a time or not have a period at all. Or stop for a week and then start again so be was the only option for me to regulate. Drs orders not mine. I wanted to do something a little more natural to help but the drs strongly recommend to try the birth control so I listened. I'm scared that he isn't going to be able to have children. And I would live to have more. I am a full time college student and going into my second year of college he works full time and supports our household. Am I being over dramatic about feeling like he can't have kids. We haven't been trying but we don't use condoms and he's been coming inside me more often. So we aren't trying to prevent a baby either. Do you think it was my periods being so messed up that we haven't been successful? This is going on the second month on birth control