Im not sure.


So yesterday i was super nauseous and dizzy. Similar to when i was pregnant with my son. So i took a test and within the window i swear i seen something faint. I tried to take a picture but the sun was to bright. So i go on about my day i had things to do. I look at it again (yes i know its invalid ater the time frame i was curious). And this is what it looked like.

So i bought a first response and once a again i thought i seen something.

I think my eyes are playing tricks on me so i waited to retest this morning. Im still not sure... I feel like i can see something this morning too.

I dont want to be pregnant right now and havent been ttc im 8 months and 1 week postpartum and ive been on the iud since 6 weeks postpartum. I did recently (thursday of last week) get it removed because of the side effects. I had spotting for 3 days and today there isnt anything the only reason i tested in the first place was because of how nauseous and dizzy i was yesterday. But im worried because if i am/was pregnant then that means i got pregnant on the iud. Which would be very odd because we also used the pull out method (yes i know precum lol) along with the iud and sometimes condoms. If i am pregnant im ok with that even though it would be unplanned im just worried for the baby because if i was pregnant before iud removal i could miscarry if i havent already. I feel like it would be highly unlikely that i got pregnant after iud removal cause its only been 5 days since iud removal so if i did ovulate i would only be 2-4 dpo and it wouldnt show up on a pregnancy test yet. Sorry for my rambling im just confused. Thanks for any input.