Tell me you see it too!!


Pleaaaaaaase tell me I’m not crazy and you guys see that super faint line too! 😭 I played with the photos on Lightroom, because looking at them on invert was really the same as looking normally. I tried to make that line pop as much as I could.

This could be my 4th pregnancy after 3 miscarriages… first pregnancy using femara, and getting infertility help… really praying if this is true, that baby sticks 😔😔

I ovulated on the 22nd. So I’m about 12 dpo. It was actually weird because I was testing opk every day and on the 22nd it was considerably darker than it hand been, but test line still was not yet AS dark or darker than the control line, but then the next few days the OPKs got lighter and lighter to almost not there, so my nurse ordered my progesterone test for July 30 and it came back yesterday at 13, so I definitely ovulated on the 22nd, despite my OPKs saying no!