Angry and Pitiful

Melissa • 🌈 Baby Girl 01/16/23 🌈 Baby Boy due Oct 2024 Angel Momma x👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

I've slowly watched all of the woman I follow on this app- & all the woman who have commented on my posts- get pregnant.

All of my friends have kids, half of them seem like they don't even want them I swear.

Im starting to think I am going to be 40 when I have a child- or I might even just never have that opportunity.

I don't have <a href="">IVF</a> kind of money, or <a href="">IUI</a> money, I can get a few small prescriptions here and there from my OB/GYN like the ones I've tried, because they're covered by my government- but after that everything is out of pocket.

I've tried progesterone and letrezole, now on my second cycle of L, and I didn't have the time to take OPKS every day, so I don't even know when/if I ovulated this month, low hopes tho as usual, CD22 today and not many symptoms at all.

I've had every test done you could think of, only thing that hasn't been checked are his "swimmers" but I've had atleast 2 chemicals within the last year, so we don't think it's him..

I don't even know anymore.

I want so badly to experience pregnancy and motherhood.

Why me.

1 year 3 months and counting.