Ovulated earlier?

Hey ladies! So a little information. I am supposedly 4dpo. I know it's really impossible to get any sort of line at 4dpo. But I swear I see something and I'm wondering if y'all think it might be possible that I ovulated earlier then my BBT and opk shows. I know I should have waited until much later in my cycle but I just couldn't help it. So my chart seems to be pretty straightforward.

And my opks were definitely positive

Still that would make me 4dpo. But my HCG test today:

The picture is a bit blurry as I took it right at the 3mm before I looked at it as I didn't think it would be positive. So I didn't try really hard to get a super good picture and didn't realize it until after the timeframe. But then I saw a line and looked back at my pictures and I still saw it.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

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