Flatlined temperature and BFP


I googled like crazy the other day, because my temps had been flatlining this cycle. They usually go up and down after ovulation, so this was unusual for me… I know I am not using a bbt, but I always have a clear temp shift, and I honestly just never got one 🤷‍♀️

I found (when googling) that some had their BFPs the months they experienced this, something about stable hormones or something 🤷‍♀️

I decided to test early, got a faint positive on the evening of 8 dpo (but did not trust this), then I got another at 9 dpo, and then a positive digital today at 10 dpo (first time trying a digital) 🤍

My question is, does anybody know if there is a real connection between flatlined temps and BFP? Or is this just a coincidence?