

I need help before I go crazy. My job offers free daycare which is awesome, today is her second day to go. She usually naps a total of around 2 hours at home by the time I pick her up from there and today and yesterday she has had a total of 45 minutes. Could it be a new environment? I mean She has been to a “strangers” house and still slept more then that, stranger I mean someone she hasn’t been around but one time when she was little little. Or are they just not letting her sleep? I don’t want to go and like accuse them of not letting her nap because she doesn’t always get cranky or anything sometimes I just lay her down around the 60-90 minute mark and she goes to sleep. Once I pick her up and get her into her car seat she knocks out. I feel so bad because she is so tired. They said she didn’t sleep for 3 hrs and 15 minutes. What should I do? Here’s a picture of my sweet baby.