


Has anyone else dealt with bleeding and maybe have any insight? I was admitted at 27 weeks for bleeding (woke up in the middle of the night so a small gush of blood). I went to the hospital right away and the bleeding seemed to have stopped. I was admitted for monitoring bc I had previa, but released under the assumption of placental irritation or something like that. Now, two nights ago at 32 weeks, I wake up once again to a gush of blood. This time it looks like a sizable clot and I rush to the hospital. Once again the bleeding has stopped and after a few hours of monitoring and tests I’m sent home. There seems to be no definitive answer. Could be a hematoma. Could be a mild abruption. I’m just told to stay home and take it easy. I’m a FTM so naturally I’m terrified. Anyone else have experience with this? Please no worse case scenarios; I know what those are.