Gender surprise!


So we went to do a 3rd party ultrasound today. Heart beat looks great so we go to find the gender. It was supposed to be a 15 minute scan and she took us back a few minutes early even. Turned into half an hour of trying to get this little turd to roll around for her. I ended up doing a few squats, sipped some water and walked around. She initially thought we were seeing a girl on the screen, everything looked flat, but this child kept the umbilical cord in the way for 32 MINUTES. Finally uncrosses his legs and shows us hes a shy little boy! She even had used the company's phone to text the other techs and they thought girl too, but they told her they would be hesitant to tell me 100%. When he finally moved she texted them the update saying "surprise! I'm a boy!" They all immediately agreed. I told her I've never heard of a shy boy, you always hear stories about the wand touches the belly and he's right there for the world to see, because boys want to be known they are boys. She agreed with my statement and my husband thought we were trying to say he's got a small penis. After we left we were grabbing food and I'd mentioned it again and explained it so he understood I meant that it's more that boys don't come across very shy at first. I left my pictures downstairs, I had to come home and take a nap, but if I remember I'll come back and add a photo of our little dude. 💜 just wanted to share the funny story about how he really took us on a Rollercoaster ride and made it so hard for the tech to tell us 100% until the very end.