1st Pregnancy announcement of many


Good day my beautiful Queens

Today is a big day for me. I’m excited to share this news with my sister… and I can’t wait to see her face when she opens the birthday present. My sister turned 27 on July 28th and we was supposed to go to Orlando… the universe didn’t want me to go and I couldn’t understand why plans wasn’t working out for me, I had the money and time off from work and school. But since I didn’t go I was busy doing other things, when I realized my period has came down but I feel the period coming. I decided to check my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> and I was 3 days late. Which to me was kinda normal as the app isn’t always accurate but close enough each month so I waited. More day went by and no aunt flow I first thought ok Diamond you gotta get more sleep and stop stressing your messing up your cycle. But then my partner give me a normal hug and lord Jesus was my breast so sore I said I need to message my doctors.

Long story short on July 28th I went to take a blood sample and was told I was pregnant… so I figured this was a great gift to my baby sister whom I treat like my own child at times… I just know she’s going to be sooooo excited for me and this new journey I’m on… (I’m literally crying right now just full of emotions because I’ve been wanting this for so long and they have been begging me to get pregnant (they even said it don’t matter who the dad is just do it so we can have a baby around 😂)). So today she’s home from her birthday fun and I’m taking her out to dinner and wil presents her this box at the end of dinner (because the dinner is for her I don’t want to take away from that…) if I could get a good video I’ll post it… thank you all for sharing your journeys with me I really appreciate it…

These are photos of some of the items in her gift box… oh yea I put something in the box for my mom as well… (they have to still keep it a secret from my partner til his birthday Tuesday 8/10)