Pregnancy anxiety


Hi everyone! A little bit of back story before I get comments like: you’re so ungrateful because so many people can’t even get pregnant!

Well, I was one of them so I understand the feeling! I went through <a href="">ivf</a> twice to get here and I’m now nearly 18 weeks. So far everything is great and I’m having a baby girl! I was just wondering, does anybody else feel so much anxiety around pregnancy? I’m so scared of something going wrong that I worry about everything, from taking medicines to exercising, to what I eat, to monthly checkups, to weight gain, not to mention the risks of pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, stillbirth, delivery complications, placenta previa and so on! I’m just a nervous wreck, maybe because I can’t believe this is really happening for me and things can actually go well for once, but these feelings are literally preventing me from enjoying every moment! I don’t know if anyone is experiencing this and I hope not for your sanity but does anybody have suggestions on how to deal with all this? Thank you in advance and good luck to you all 🤰🏻❤️