5w4d - bleeding


I’m posting this here for anyone that has been in my boat that can offer any advice, hope, or what happened in their situation.. and for future mammas that come here desperate for something relatable!

Today I am 5 weeks 4 days. I began some light spotting 3 days ago, reached out to my doctor.. they were not worried and said to monitor for any strong cramping or period like bleeding and call if I had either. This morning I woke up to the dreaded period like bleeding, no cramps, no clots. They first told me to go to the ER, but I went through something similar in March of this year and ended up having to paying over $4k out of pocket and ended up having the typical miscarriage at home. Of course at the time I didn’t know any better, I was scared and it was the first time so I did everything that I was told to do. This time, I couldn’t bring myself to spend that much money just for a check up at the ER knowing good and well the doctors office can do the same thing - plus I was not in any pajn. So, my doctors office decided to have me come in today for blood work and I will go back tomorrow for more blood work and an early scan.

As of now, I still have no cramping. The bleeding varies from heavy at times to lighter. But my anxiety is on another level. 😑

Will update tomorrow after my bloodwork and ultrasound.

5 week 5 day update: HCG from yesterday is 5000 and some change. Had an early scan today.. sac with a yolk inside my uterus so that’s good! But got gone from the doctor and the bleeding has began again. I have an appointment for blood work and another scan next week.. here’s to waiting and trying to be patient while staying positive