

Hear me out

My baby has always been a GREAT sleeper. She started sleeping 8-12 hours without waking at 5 weeks old. Then, the 4 month sleep regression hit and she hasn't slept more than 4-5 hours at a time since. This is around the same time she began to roll over and I transitioned her out of the swaddle.

Around 6 months she began kinda flailing and fidgeting & wanting to be held for naps and keeping herself up moving her arms around so I started swaddling her again. Now she will only go to sleep with both arms swaddled - I use a blanket so she *can* bust out if she turns over (she has never rolled over in her crib) but I end up having to re swaddle her a lot through the night because she can easily get out.

She will be 8 months on the 25th. Her sleep is atrocious. We have to room share (apartment life), but keeping her in her crib when she wakes up in the middle of the night is hard. I can bounce her back to sleep but sometimes that can take 40+ minutes only for her to wake up screaming 10 mins after laying her down. My eyes literally hurt at night because I am so tried I can hardly see, so I end up cuddling her in bed where we both end up sleeping. She still wakes up 3-5x depending on the night, sometimes for nursing and others just to flail, kick and practice crawling.

She sleeps her naps in her crib but they are never consistent and usually last around 30/40 minutes with a rare hour or more one sprinkled in. She's barely getting 12 hours of sleep per day and never more than 5 hours at a time. Plus the swaddling hassle.

I ordered the weighted sleep sack in hopes that will help her but I'm getting really desperate for solutions... It feels like every time she wakes up I JUST fell asleep and I'm getting really tired of having to go to bed at 8pm because I'm also up all night long.

Any advice?