Need advice

Hey guys, so my sister has been purposely attempting to make me miscarry. She has made it clear to me that she is jealous because she “deserves” to have my mom’s first grandchild. She is going above and beyond to stress me out and has been harassing me. I blocked her number, but she has been calling me from blocked numbers and texting me from multiple different numbers. It’s gotten to the point where I have to change my number. She constantly posts things about me on social media and started drama within my family about MY pregnancy. She has also made it clear that she started drama on purpose. She’s honestly a nasty person. She has attempted to get my brother killed multiple times and I feel that she’d do the same with me. She has even called child protective services on one of her former friends out of spite. I want to get a restraining order, but courts are only open during the week and I work M-F. I don’t really know what to do at this point. She has been jealous of me my entire life and it was never a “normal” sibling type of jealousy. My mom even said she kicked me when I was a newborn because she wasn’t the only girl anymore. I genuinely think that she is sick and I honestly don’t know what else she will attempt to do.