Is this rape? If so, what measures can I take with no proof?

Not sure if I was raped last night. My bf and I wanted to have sex. We’ve been relying on condoms as our contraceptive method. Last night, he somehow he didn’t want to use them???! I was very fertile yesterday as Glow says I ovulate today so the condom was absolutely necessary.

Here’s the thing, I did want to have sex. I was kissing him and responding back to his touches. But when I tried to pull out the condom from the drawer that’s when he was very angry. He started to throw things on the floor. I was getting up to change and he just pushed me down and opened my legs. He did about 2 strokes and I started crying and that’s when he just took it out and kept throwing things. He kicked me out of the room. I told him he raped me he kept saying it wasn’t true Bc I wanted sex at the beginning. I told him it was rape and he just threw the control against the wall saying I have no proof…..

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