Proposal didn't go as planned but still said yes


Officially engaged now. 💍 He picked a very beautiful ring, I love it.

Downside we both were extremely disappointed 😞 he thought the place he picked was better and we'd be able to see this waterfall closer. He realized after we both got a good cry out. That he wanted to go to Angel falls. Told me how he wanted it to be like.

I felt so bad I was disappointed but he made it sound like it'd be fun and romantic place. Sadly that waterfall wasn't anything close. Thought I was looking a just rocks, it was so small and it was dark. My step brother made us leave later then planned otherwise probably won't have been so dark when we'd finally get there.

Told him he can jokingly propose again when we go there. He said we can plan a trip there on our honeymoon.

After progressing most of my feels of disappointment and slight PTSD flashes from an ex. I'm honestly very happy and would had always said yes no matter how he'd proposed to me. I'm glad our feels are never one sided and completely understand each other. Can't wait to marry him and officially be his wife and share a last name. 😍

I absolutely love this ring, thought he'd pick a black band though.