Tips for sex after a baby?


My husband has always had a higher sex drive than me, but I would always try to remember that and make time to take care of his needs (since I have hardly any 😂).

Since I got pregnant we had very little sex because of how uncomfortable it was and he was super understanding.

Now, our baby is 7 weeks old and I’ve been cleared to have sex again but I’m really nervous for some reason. I don’t know if it’s just fear for the pain or feeling unattractive or just the fact that I’m just plain tired. We still haven’t had it, even though we tried once and I just couldn’t get into it. I appreciate him still being patient but I want to bring that part of our relationship back, especially when I’m just being a mom to a newborn all week long. I want to feel wanted in that way!

What have you done to get back into regular sex after a baby? Tips and tricks welcome! (Whether you have a lower sex drive like me or not lol)