Doppler at 7.5weeks

Jeanne • PCOS 💔🌈💙💔🌈💖💔🌈🩷💔🌈🩵 MC, 7 rainbow son, MC, 4 rainbow daughter, MC, almost 2 rainbow daughter, MC, boy C-section 2/26/24!

6th pregnancy. Mc/son/Mc/daughter/Mc/pregnancy

Last pregnancy I was able to monitor HR at home w/Doppler and when I went to my 9/10week, there wasn’t a heartbeat. I told myself I wouldn’t Doppler til after my first appt this time but I couldn’t resist this morning. I was able to locate lil one registering right in the 7wk pocket 126-149BPM

Now I won’t do it again 😂 but it gave me peace. My appt is 8/26