Am I overreacting ...

Hello ladies, I hope you’re all having a good day. I am open to understanding many point of views on this so this is why I’m making this post. So my fiancé & I went to his mothers house on Saturday & I didn’t really want to go due to her being disrespectful towards my fiancé & I in the past non stop. My fiancé & I due have a babygirl & when I was pregnant his mother threatened to fight me due to me standing up for myself when she was talking bad upon me to my fiancé (he did correct her). Well, we went to his Mom’s house he said it was just going to be his Mom, Dad, & sister . We tried to have a clean slate so things were good until fast forward his mother told my fiancé that a female was coming over to spend time with us & to meet our daughter.. a female who’s not family & someone that him & I never met. My fiancé said nothing due to him playing with his niece & it struck me weird because I was with our daughter & she didn’t ask us if that was okay.? Also, this is a complete stranger so I’m not sure why she wants to meet our daughter .. well his mother wanted both of us to go with her to her husband job to give him his phone since she forgot (it was 10 minutes away) so we agreed since it was close & our daughter was with her aunt & she was napping. I told my fiancé I’m uncomfortable with the fact a random female is eager to meet our daughter & hold her etc. & how his mother asked him & not me as well. He said I was overreacting & what not .. so I told him if I was to come back to his mother house & find the female holding our daughter I would probably snap because she’s a complete stranger . Well we came back & to our surprise she’s at the house holding our baby🙄I tried to keep my cool since it’s his Mom’s house I tried to respect her. I was confused & they introduced me to her & I was still confused but I was polite & grabbed our baby when she handed me her. Her father just brushed it off etc. on top of that she started saying our baby was her niece🙄& she just kept being handsy with thing you know he felt sick & he started throwing up etc.. so me being the fiancé I am I try comforting him & getting things he need. His mother comes & comforts him instead & didn’t let me comfort him.. she told me to step aside & just let her take care of him . When I tried to help she would instantly get in the way & would do it & she would tell me not to worry for him & that she has him. She wouldn’t let me see him etc she helped him for the shower & all .. now am I overreacting.? For feeling a type of way.. there’s more to it but the energy she gave off i felt like she comfort him in a way that I was supposed to as his fiancé.. help please.? On top of that she stated how she wants our daughter for thanksgiving & she wants to throw her first birthday party & she wants to do all this stuff with our daughter & she doesn’t involve me in a way.? She sees it as her son will just allow her to do anything & her son won’t mind what she do.