Scary stuff


So had my first 12 week ultrasound Monday just gone and all was good, they moved my due date as it a big baby (taking after its dad who is 6ft4in and me only being 5ft1in 😏)

Been feeling good as most of the pregnancy symptoms have now gone apart from the lack of sleep and then bamm yesterday it hit me. Walking to work and stopped in greggs in town to get some lunch as I was working alone untill 1pm and didn't quite make it back out. Turns out whilst standing waiting for my food and hot chocolate I had atually passed out and collapsed, out of all the customers and staff only one lady came to my rescue as the rest assumed I was still drunk from the night before as its a weekend, let's just say some people where feeling a bit stupid about assuming when I turned round and said im pregnant.

The woman rang my partner who came and got me, sorted my work out and got my shift covered as I couldn't open the shop and tock me home where I spent the day butt naked, in and out off sleep and being sick. In this time I contacted 4 different midwifes in my area and not one responded, nothing worse then wanting reassurance all was OK (this is my first pregnancy) and not getting any feedback,

Is this a common thing?

Do you have trouble contacting midwifes in the UK

Any advice so this doesn't happen again?