All dressed up


All dressed up and no place to go.

I'm a little depressed being stuck in the house. Not only bc of covid but bc the IRS has our tax money and we haven't gotten any of our CTC.

Right now the irs owes me over 8K but here I am with $300 to my name. We got an advocate but that was useless.

Our bills are paid don't get me wrong. We are broke but not broke. It's just sad my husband is a first responder and is working 90+ hours week in the thick of it and we can't even afford our kids eye glasses right now. I had to pay $100 for a stupid covid test bc the doctors around here are greedy af. My other child needs a new mattress and my mother had to pay for their school supplies and it pisses me off to have to ask for help through no fault of our own. Just stupid. Definitely need to change the way we file now.

Just want to take my kids out for some safe fun and show this sweet girl off and get out of the house but alas it's not going to happen.

Even worse our 12 year anniversary is coming up and I know we won't be able to do anything which is fine, I'd rather do for the kids.

But how can I be depressed when I have this little ball of sunshine and very understanding kids.

The IRS can suck it. My husband works to hard to be screwed like this. :(