Falling in love again 🥰❤️❤️


So every night since we have lived together, my fiancé gives me a kiss goodnight, he knows I always want a kiss before he goes to bed. He goes to bed earlier than I do because he is up at around 4 am to shower and get ready for work. I’m 18 weeks pregnant now and since I’ve been showing more, he gives me a kiss and gives my belly a kiss. I just can’t explain how much more in love I am with this man every day seeing how excited he is and how he talks about moments he looks forward to having with our daughter. Since I’ve been feeling our baby girl move he now asks “Where did you feel her?” just so he can kiss that exact spot so he can give her a kiss goodnight. Guys my heart!! 🥲❤️ Please share your cute moments too I can’t be the only one with such a loving man and daddy to be!! I want to hear about yours too!! 🥰❤️