Can’t figure out this guy


Little back story because I have only known him for 2 and a half weeks at his bartending job and I was just filling up for someone else and we worked together. We clicked but I wasn’t crazy crazy for him because he’s not usually the type of guy I go for but we had good conversations since the bar wasn’t that busy. He gave me a ride home and everything normal. He did text me saying let’s not be a lost connection and that he would love to hang out with me sometime. I really wasn’t that interested in going out but I said sure. He texted me over the the week saying things like he really likes me and that and that he knows he’s better than anyone lingering around me and that he just wants to steal my attention etc etc… so that weekend they call me in to fill in and he’s there obviously and I got to his bar but they moved me to a different bar to work. We kept texting back and forth and then towards 11pm by bar is getting closed and they tell me I can either go home but to check if anyone needs my help first. Obviously now he’s not gonna let me leave and we had the most amazing connection working together and talking here and there that for the first time ever I wanted to kiss someone for the first time so bad! At least I can’t remember the last time I felt this way because it’s usually over drinks and they tend to do the first move first. So anyway, our shift is over and we are counting money with the rest of the bartenders and somehow at some point we were left alone and I went for it. It was a great kiss and wow sparks and butterflies everywhere! Anyway fast forward he gives me a ride home and we make out in his car and then he goes on his way. So now I’m screwed because I know I like this guy. The next day I went to the beach with some friends like we had planned and we kept in constant communication and he called me a few times. It was great! So I get back to the city 2 days later and I was feeling horrible because too much sun and drinks so I felt like death. He asked me if I wanted to hang out with him and I did everything in my power to look alive and agreed. He came to pick me up not willing to tell me where we were going for our first date. Turns out it was a circus that was in town! At first I was a little turned off by it and it ended up being super fun and entertaining and broke that “first date” ice. It was kinda awkward at first because neither of us knew what to do like so we hold hands or get closer and all that. So during intermission is when it finally happened and we kissed… after that it was freaking amazing!! After the show was done he asked if I wanted to go home or join him for a drink somewhere which of course I did and we got to talk and get to know each other better. It was perfect. After the 1 drink and an app we left and he took me home, we kissed in the car and he went on his way again. Next few days I saw him a couple of times more and finally ended on his bed just making out but he would not have sex because he said he wanted it to be special for our first time. Fine. Next tome same thing happened but we had a few drinks on us and we almost did but not. Then this past weekend I didn’t fill in at his job but worked only mine (same company but differ locations) since it was the grand reopening after the quarantine. He picked me up from work to drive me home (which was nice. Better than a surge Uber ride lol) and that’s it. Same as the beginning only kiss and good bye. He started moving into his new house this week and he’s been very quiet with me and I haven’t seen him since that day when he picked me up from work and then yesterday he sent me this:

“Hey babe hope your day is going well. Just wanted to apologize for being distant and will prolly be distant during the week this week and maybe some next. I’ve just been grinding trying to get unpacked, getting the house right and dealing with all macros issues of the house downstairs that I have to deal with fixing and dealing with the owner and all the contractors. And then I have to take my dog tmrw morning to the vet to start the process for surgery. The weekends are the only time I work right now but seems like my most relax time of the week.”

I don’t expect anyone to read this but I’m mostly typing this so I can read it myself and maybe figure it out on my own but if 1 of you at least does really make it this far down I would kindly would like some input because I have 2 theories:

1- maybe I’ve been to clingy and needy since he hasn’t been able to see me since Saturday but I really don’t say much of what I want just once when I said we should hang out and he said he couldn’t because he was tired from work and wanted to go to sleep. That’s the paranoid theory of mine.


2- maybe he really is that busy.

But wouldn’t you think that even there is a lot going on in your life wouldn’t you make time to see the person you said that you were happy how things were going and that he liked me a lot more than what he expected and also wanted to make our first time “special”. So it’s nothing like he got what he wanted and then split. Because we still haven’t. So what is it? And it’s driving me crazy because I don’t know what to respond.

A) say I understand and go silent because to me it seems that he’s breaking whatever we had off for good?? Or

B) reply with this and show weakness because I have a theory that people tend to want what they can’t have and now I showed him my true colors and he’s no longer interested or he legit needs some time to move in and organize his life??? Anyway this is B)

“Hey I meant to tell you that I’m sorry your life is so hectic right now and that I understand that not having distractions is crucial right now for you in order to get everything done in a timely manner so I just wanted to let you know that I’m here if you ever need anything. :) “

A or b??? 😩