Wanted to share with you all


Sarah has been into drawing and reading for a long time now, she loves to watch me write. One day during her scribbling she accidentally wrote a "G" I mentioned it to my mom and she bought her some of the kindergarten kind of paper so we could practice. Today I finally sat down and taught her "A" she can say her ABC's and knows all the capital letters when she sees them, but teaching her the movements to make was different. For most of what we did I held her hand and helped, but for 4 of the ones, the ones I circled, I had looked away briefly each time and she managed to make some of her own. One she tried to write on her own ended up being her drawing of the mountain we see from the backyard.

We only practiced for maybe 10 or 15 minutes before she started scribbling. One of my mom's cousins is an early education teacher and said Sarah did better on the 4 she wrote alone than most of her kindergarten students, and she even thought she was already 3. Hopefully by the time she's ready for school it will be one less thing for her teacher(s) to worry about lol. My handwriting was horrible from K-2, my school used to grade handwriting and I'd fail every time, so maybe she won't have that much trouble with it like I did.