I need advise and have zero friends I want to tell about this.


I am currently about 17 weeks pregnant last last week on 8/10 I was diagnosed with COVID. On 8/12 my fiancé ended up taking me to a better hospital for women and children that was about an hour away from our home town. I was puking and couldn’t keep any fluids down at all that day, being pregnant I didn’t want to chance getting severely dehydrated for babies sake. The emergency room was PACKED, he sat in there with me until about 11:30ish until he went and got me a water because the hospital didn’t have any in their vending machines. He brought it back and then decided to wait in the car, per my recommendation because of how packed it was.

Yesterday per a gut feeling I checked his phone records online to see who he had been talking to because he spent ALL morning accusing me of cheating on him with some guy that works at my job. Needless to say I got through until that night and noticed as soon as he went out to his truck after giving me my water he started texting a bunch of random numbers, low and behold I googled them and they were escorts. So here I am puking my guts up in a hospital for 4 hours by myself while he was talking to escorts. One of them he talked to from 12:58 until 1:43. I texted him at 1:43 and told him I went back to a room and he took another 13 minutes to come in claiming he was puking and trying to clean himself up. I’m so embarrassed over this whole situation. He swears he didn’t PHYSICALLY cheat on me, that he just texted them but I don’t get why a escort would talk to someone for nearly 45 minutes with no money coming in? This isn’t the first time he has done this he did this about a year and Half ago but made me feel crazy and said he didn’t even talk to them I just found the number blocked in his phone. He also doesn’t allow us to have social media and I found out in January that he had been talking to women, including his ex on Snapchat.

I don’t know how I should even feel at this point. We’re having a child together and I don’t know if I should stay or go?