FET August 17


Hi everyone! I’ve been quiet on here for a long time but wanted to post that I did my first FET on Aug 17! So I think that makes me 2dp5dt. I’m having a tough time staying positive and hopeful. I thought that I saw fluid in my uterine cavity when they did the transfer, but I called the next day and clinic says there wasn’t any. I just can’t get it out of my head that it’s not going to work for some reason or another. I haven’t had any new symptoms, just the breast soreness, and mild back pain that I had before transfer too. But I’m still so proud of my little embaby and hope I get to meet them! Picture posted below like a proud mama lol. If anyone has tips for the TWW or any cycle buddies let me know. And of course best of luck and baby dust to everyone else on their journey!