44 and trying


I'm 44 about to be 45 this coming month and my SO and I are about to try and get pregnant naturally I already have 3 children 17, 14, and 12 and I really want one with him he is much younger than me and I'm worried that I won't be able to conceive my period is regular no sign of me stoping any time soon lol and I know I still ovulate I still get the pain every month I stop talking my BC a couple of months ago now I did have some problem conceiving my first child due to having endometriosis when I was younger then had no problem getting pregnant with my last two and after I had my last one I went on BC as to not get pregnant came off of it because I had had it in for 5yrs and then became pregnant at 43 and miscarried and quickly went on BC because I didn't want a nother child with my ex my question is how can I boost my chances am I just setting my self up and how long should I try before I call it quits please I need advice Thanks