Fitness glow-up

Shae • Happily married and mama to Ronan, Freyja and Scotti. 💞

I’ve been working insanely hard since February to get healthier and fit in some of my old clothes, but mostly I just wanted to be STRONGER. I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made! I recently hit a 200lb deadlift and a 145lb back squat! I can do burpees consistently for the first time in my life and thanks to my hard work and long-ass legs (5’11) I’m one of the fastest bikers and rowers at my gym! I just had gallbladder surgery a month ago and I’m already back in the gym and feeling great (but still exercising caution).

I don’t do a ton of progress pictures but I wanted to share this because between these two pictures I only lost about 5-10lbs. I don’t focus on weight because what I’ve lost in fat I’ve made up for in muscle! BMI and the numbers on the scale are just one tiny indicator of health, and they’re not always right. Focus on how you FEEL physically and mentally and what you’re putting in your body. Focus on strength and endurance and living a long happy life!