

I am wondering if anyone else feels if they are constantly nursing?

I feel I am doing my best and I am trying to express in between feeds but sometimes I can only get 10mls from a breast after a feed. I know it all adds up but I am wondering if I am not providing baby Mark enough.

If you have a look at the below pattern, I was kind of stunned that he was still hungry.

I know they say let baby lead but he falls asleep, stops sucking and detaches himself. So I assume he is done. I do try to wake him up after a 40min feed with either changing his nappy or burping, sometimes this helps sometimes it doesn't. I will put him in his cot and not even 10mins later he will be awake wanting more. I can then feed him on the other breast for another 40mins or more and the above will repeat. He will then also take 100mls of formula afterwards.

I have milk production tablets from my 2nd child, but didn't think I needed these as he was certainly working my milk supply.

If he sleeps well after a feed I can express. Sometimes I leak through my breast pads or after getting out of the shower they turn on like a tap.

I have to use shields as I have flat nipples, I am wondering if this could be the issue, he seems to be finished. As the shields reduce the milk flow.

I have been reading a bit about standard breastfeeding and spoken to a midwife, who has told me that 40mins plus on both breasts should be more than enough.

What am I doing wrong? Is anyone else experiencing this?
