Will baby be ok??

Ok so backstory I had a miscarriage probably almost 2 weeks ago and me and dad been taking it pretty hard. I’ve been looking it up on here and majority of the women said they didn’t ovulate for 2 cycles after a miscarriage so I decided to try coke for the first time even tho I’m in the beginning of my expected fertile window which <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> barely predicts correctly . It wasn’t a lot and I for sure didn’t go overboard with it but this morning I decided to take an ovulation test to be certain and my lines are kinda dark like within the next 2 days I might get a positive. If I do conceive will something be wrong with baby because I was high when they were conceived??

My Angel baby’s dad and I did have sex unprotected.

Pregnancy test are negative I zeroed out on the 8th of this month.