Vvvfl and Invalid digital w/two lines

So I’m super confused. Yesterday at 11DPO I took a test and got a vvvfl below

I tested again this morning and the line was the same faintness which had me worried so I took my clear blue digital test. The first one came back with an error and so did the second one. I was so annoyed at my wasted money that I opened them up and saw two lines. The last cycle I opened this test there was a second line and now I just feel very confused all around. Wishing the days would go by sooner so I can take more test with higher hcg if I am pregnant. Below is the two clear blues and the Easy@home cheapie test from this morning

I just want to see the line get darker if I am pregnant so I can have a peace of mind and share with my husband rather than pass on this confusion. I know easy@home tests detect levels starting at 25miu, so I’m not sure if my levels are too low for this test to get darker at this time or what but I’ve taken about 8 of these tests and they all have the same faint positive line where I usually would get a stark white result of negative. Please help if you have some insight I just want some clarity for peace of mind.
