Falling out of love

• Have you ever fallen out of love with a partner?

• Is there a way to overcome it?

• What do you do?

***Please be kind. This is a difficult situation for me.

We’ve been dating for 6 years. We graduated high school together and have ultimately grown together into early adulthood. However, I just feel like we’re at different points in both of our lives.

**Edit to clarify: We’re not young teenagers, we’re both 24.

We’ve talked about getting married, making plans for the future, etc. But it all feels like empty promises. I’m ready to settle down, but it doesn’t seem like he is.

And lately, I’ve just been having doubts about our relationship and its validity. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like we’re partners/lovers, but more so longtime friends with extra benefits.

Intimacy has been lackluster as well. I just don’t feel physically attracted to him anymore and I can’t pinpoint why I’m having this problem all of a sudden.

I know it may not seem like it but I love him with all of my heart; but I’m worried these feelings of doubt aren’t going away (it’s been months now since they first showed up). And if I feel this way, having these doubts specifically, keeping this relationship just feels like a disservice to both of us. I feel like I’m leading him on.

(Not important but I also worry that I don’t even know who I am as a person without him, since we’ve grown together as adults. Which also kind of scares me when I think about ending this relationship, if that makes sense).

I’ve tried talking about some of these concerns with him, but he doesn’t like confrontation and quickly deescalates the conversation.

Am I crazy?

I’m just at a loss. I’m hoping maybe someone has gone through a similar situation, fought through these feelings of doubt and dissatisfaction, and lived a happily ever after with their partner.