Chemical, now this


So I just had a chemical pregnancy. Positive test at 12DPO, that faded to nothing over 3 days. Now my period started, just 2-3 days late. But man the cramps are something else. I always cramp the first day, enough to pop an advil or 2, but this is quite a bit worse. Anyone else go through this? It's such an embarrassing blow to think you got to join the pregnant club, only to have it taken away 48 hours later. But now this extra punishment. I hope I don't end up with a 30 day period and screwed up cycles for months. Should I take a break from trying for a while at this point? I know medically you are allowed to try again, but I feel like going forward I won't even be able to trust pregnancy tests. Maybe best to never test to begin with at this point.