Creepy in law

What is anyone's opinion on this issue and has it happened to you?

So a long time ago in 2015 I was a minor and I moved with my now husband to his father's. He took interest in me really fast drained his savings (which I didn't know) to buy things I said I wanted and things I didn't ask for. He saved pictures of me from Facebook on his phone and alone on his laptop computer. I felt like he was getting to creepy after I caught him while in another room changing he was on his camera with his arm extended like he was trying to watch me change. (He said he was picking his nose, however it was on front facing not selfie mode) he starts treating me and my husband different then his brother says he's jealous of what me and my husband have, caught him staring at my butt every time I would walk around him. Confronted him said that's not what's going on. Now my sexy clothes for my husband are being moved when he's around, he usually asks when he uses our washer and dryer if it's okay to move the clothes over. I forgot about a load of period underwear I did and he didn't ask and moved them from the washer to the dryer even though he always asks to move our clothes over. Now I have found he's taken pictures of me without my consent.

He says he doesn't look at me in a sexual way but he does all those things to me and not any other female. He is divorced from my husband's mom and hasn't been in a relationship since. He's been asked to stay away from my things and not have pictures of me because I have been raped and sexually assaulted by a few family members but yet he still proceeds to get into my personal things. Thoughts?

Edit: I did tell my husband. His suggestion is to look through his phone, but the never brought it up (lots more to this issue) and this in law now lives with us.

We can't kick him out because it's law if they have mail coming to your address you have to prove the reasoning for doing so.