Thoughts on Baby #3


Hello 👋🏼

I’ve been contemplating the thought of having a third child since January.

I’m 29 years old and have two boys (4 &6). As I had my kids going I always had a goal of being done with having kids by the time I turn 30.

With that birthday coming up next year it’s really got me thinking about whether I’m done and whether or not we should try for a third now.

I’m a little nervous to be pregnant again as it’s been a while and I haven’t lost the baby weight from #2. Ideally I’d like to lose at least 15 lbs before getting pregnant again.

I have a more demanding job than I did when I was pregnant with the other two which is also concerning me a little.

My husband would really like to try for a third and see if we get a girl but I’m not sure how to feel or what to do?

Do I bite the bullet? Do I lose the weight first? Or do I even want one? How do you know what you want? I feel very torn.

Help please 🥺🥺