Sick of justifying his ways


My boyfriend is the most hard-headed opinionated man I've ever met and I love him dearly for it but to disagree with him is simply taking the role of someone who needs to be taught in his book or should I say from his book. He's immensely intelligent in all areas but one. He's even admitted before that he doesn't understand the emotions of most people and never intends to be insensitive. However he will still argue that I in fact do not feel a certain way because there is no logical reasoning to back it up. So he writes it off as me looking for the bad in a situation and self-sabotaging. Therefore he gets to teach me how wrong I am for being upset with him and explain to me how to live life. I am fucking sick of it. The thing is he truly does mean well and never intends to hurt me and in past relationships I really have gotten upset over silly things but at this point I know the difference. Recently I've shut down and cannot talk to him about anything meaningful at all whether to do with him or not. We've agreed that doing so is just as toxic as arguing but when told I don't know how to communicate what's wrong to him he responded "short simple and to the point." I said I cannot be expected to water down my problem which of course he disagreed that that's what I'd be doing. In some cases he's right. Though he doesn't understand that not every issue is going to be black or white. Not every issue is going to have a simple explanation and easy solution. The problem areas both in our relationship and in my life currently are very complex but to him there is no reason for any problem at all to exist. When I've tried to explain a few of them both in detail and dumbing it down he simply tells me not to feel that way because I should..not.. feel it. End of conversation, end of story, end of the relationship if we cannot figure this communication thing out. I've come to understand how he is just like his dad is about feeling things deep within themselves but never letting it to the surface or tolerating others wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Talking about emotion especially his own doesn't come easily. He's a very tough love I'm here for you but suck it up type of person. For example, my dad passed away a while back and I could see he was very hurt and worried for me, he did anything I or my mom asked and was very supportive. Though now he kisses me and tells me he's here when I wake up crying but changes the subject when I start to talk about my dad. Any time I bring him up even speaking of the happy times he tells me to stop and focus on the good "Tell me something cute your nieces and nephews did this week" I very much agree and yet pain has to be felt too. If I'm feeling claustrophobic in small rooms especially in crowds of people or I get anti-social and only speak when spoken to he tells me to "shake it off" or "snap out of it" He won't let me mourn, won't let me get upset with him for things anyone else could see being wrong in a relationship, won't let me feel what doesn't make sense to him and he truly truly truly thinks he's teaching me how to be happy and showing me the secret to life. He means well and yet I cannot take it anymore. He's one of the most caring and forgiving people I've ever met and at the same time, he has such a sense of entitlement he thinks at least on the outside that he can do no wrong, knows everything, and anyone who thinks otherwise has a false idea of mankind. He is 7 years older than me and knows more than I ever will about pretty much everything but he does not know me better than I do and cannot change me by telling me how wrong I am for not being just peachy at all times. I'm so sick of him trying to "help me" by dismissing every single feeling I have. I don't want to make him feel I need him to change like every other woman has but I shouldn't have to change for him either. We should evolve together but I can't see that being possible anymore.... When he asks how my day was and it was absolutely horrible I lie and say it was fine. It's so unhealthy and yet becoming a very lonely habit. Any advice?