My daughter is suspended from school for fighting

Well this isn't an update I'm happy about. My last posts was about me finding out my son has been skipping school for 2 weeks. He won't say why, but some wrote the word Faggot on my sons window and my daughter(his twin) said she's been getting bullied because there's a rumor going around that my son is gay. Idk if its true, he won't talk about it. I feel like this has to do with his falling out with his best friend that he also won't tell me about. My daughter got suspended because I guess my son wss getting picked on a lot so he decided he was done and was gonna skip the rest of school during lunch but when he was leaving his ex best friend came over with some other boys and girls they were messing with him. They pushed him and were saying "You like being on bottom don't you fag boy. She watched him try to get up and he pushed him back and my son hit his head on the side walk so my daughter pushed his ex best friend and told him to fuck off. So he pushed her and told her to fuck off. My so said to leave his sister alone, he slammed him to the ground again so my daughter punched him in the nose. Apparently she broke it and there was blood everywhere. So she's suspended but his ex friend isn't because no one " truly got hurt " on his end..

Edit: I really don't want my son to do homeschooling because he already has social skill issued and homeschooling would just isolate him.